Sign away! Digital signatures can now be added to forms.

Learn more about how to add a digital signature field into forms using Rosterfy.

It’s easy to get caught out these days when someone requires your signature. Who’s printer can I borrow? Where’s my pen? How do I even use a pen again? In a world dominated by technology, it was only a matter of time before digital signatures became the way of the future.

For volunteers and staff, providing consent and agreeing to an organization's terms and conditions remains as important as ever. Thankfully there’s now an easier way to do it. 

From signing waivers to volunteer contracts and documentation, volunteers and staff can now view, access and sign documents all via their centralized Rosterfy portal or online forms. For administrators, it’s as simple as dragging and dropping the signature field to the form then connecting to Rosterfy’s automations technology to ensure that once a signature is received, next steps including email communications and access to training or shifts are triggered to ensure the volunteer experience is seamless from start to finish.

While electronic signatures are also accessible through Rosterfy’s integration with AdobeSign, Rosterfy administrators will now have the option to use Rosterfy’s inbuilt digital signature generator for free. 

Want to see it in action? See how easy it is to add digital signatures as a functionality to your account through the below video. 


Keen to explore additional Rosterfy videos? Visit our Resource Hub to learn more about how to get the most out of your account. 

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