Sending an email to an external user without a Rosterfy account

Rosterfy can allow you via an automation action to notify user of candidate activity. This could be an alert that an account was created or registration to an event. In order to set this up you will need to:

1. Create an email template

2. Choose whether you are using an existing automation or you create a new automation

Note:- You can use the article  automation overview to decide the trigger to send the email

Once you have your automation task setup within the automation:

1. Add Action

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2. Choose an Email action:

Action Definition Automation Task type trigger
Email to Email Attribute Any custom email attribute added to a form Any
Email to Event leader A user that has been added to an event as an event leader.


Event shift

Multi Event shift

Email to Referee Email supplied to notify the referee as part of the Reference module Reference check
Email to Shift leader Email address of a shift leader on a shift

Event shift

Multi Event shift

Email to Specific email address

Email provided in the Options Any


3. Select the template


Note:- For Email to Email and Email to Specific email address you will need to add additional information.

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