Email Templates

Email templates in Rosterfy allow you to create and save pre-written emails for efficient communication. By utilising email templates, you can save time by avoiding repetitive tasks and ensure a consistent message is delivered to recipients.

Email Templates

Email templates allow you to write content and save it for later use, they can be used in many ways, including:

  • Sending out emails in bulk, for example before an event or shift
  • Scheduling emails to be sent in the future
  • When any automation is triggered, including:
    • Registering for your account or a shift
    • Checking in or out
    • Completing a training module
    • Reminders to complete a form or sign up to a shift
    • And many more

Email templates can be found in the Communications module > Email and selecting Templates from the top menu.

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Rosterfy has a number of default email templates, you can create new templates or edit an existing one. You may find your account has many email templates, in which case, you can search for an email using the Advanced Filters button. 

For more information about emails within Rosterfy, check out the Emails Overview article.


Creating a New Template

You can create a new template by clicking the Create button, you will be directed to the Create Email Template page. 

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To create a new template you will need to complete the following fields:

Name: This is only visible in the Admin Console, the name should be descriptive as this is how you will identify the template from the list.

Type: Either Marketing or Transactional, descriptions on the types can be found here.

Category: You can group your email templates together by creating categories.

Branding: You can select to use specific branding for your email, the default brand is set in the Communication menu within your Organization Settings, additional brands can be created within the Branding menu.

Subject: The subject line to be sent with the email. This can be translated in later steps if you are using multiple languages.

Content: The body of the email to be sent. The WYSIWYG editor allows you to customise the template, we recommend using mail merge tags to make the content as personable as possible and to be careful with the usage of images as some email clients do not allow images to be in content. For help with Mail Merge Tags, check out the Mail Merge Tags article.


Updating a Template

From time to time you may need to update a template, this can be done by following these instructions:

  1. Navigate to the specific template, click the More Actions menu > Update.
  2. The edit screen will allow you to update all details of the template, once finished, click Save.

Note: Any changes will be immediate, including any automations that use the template, however scheduled bulk emails will not use the updated content.


Templates in Multiple Languages

Every email template can be set up to be sent in multiple languages. If you have users in multiple regions and languages, this allows you to send appropriate emails to each user.

To update an email template to include multiple languages, follow these instructions:

  1. Navigate to the email template, click the More Actions menu and select Update.
  2. The edit screen will allow you to update all details of the template, scroll to the Content section and select Add to create the template in another language for both the subject and content.



Note: Additional languages will only be available in the Email Templates if they have been added in the Organization Settings.

For more information about Emails within Rosterfy, check out the Emails Overview article.