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Admin Permission Roles


You can control the access each Users has within various Rosterfy modules . A permission role establishes which modules a User can access and how they can access it. Maybe you have staff in your organization that just need to access Events and no settings or reports. Maybe you have a payroll department that just needs access to reports. With Admin Permission Roles allow you to setup your own roles or use one of Rosterfy's pre-built roles.


System Admin
This role has all permissions enabled, including system configuration, deleting, account settings and access to all user information. This should only be given to people who require full system access. 

Lite Admin
This role is suitable for people who need access to the system without the ability to make changes to any core settings or configurations set by the system administrators. The role includes the following pre-set permissions:

  • Cannot delete
  • Cannot configure integrations
  • Cannot update organisation settings
  • Can’t access settings
  • Can’t access payroll
  • Can’t access payments
  • Can’t approve events or roles
  • Can’t create custom event/shift/role statuses

  • Can’t update checkpoint permissions

Modifying Permission Roles

There are some modules that exist underneath sections that you may not want an Admin user to be able to see and access. For example, if giving the a User permission to create/manage Training. They will have the below permission setup:


However, as the Training module exists within Users (that they do not have access), you need to provide them the direct link to that specific module.

Another example would be to give a admin user specific access to a select group it would be setup as below:

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Once the Event permission has been added you can then use a filter on the event tab to specify which events are available.

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When the User permission is enabled you can then limit based on attribute criteria.

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