Add Administrator Permissions

Rosterfy provides the option to assign both User and Admin permissions. Full Admins possess the highest level of access, enabling them to execute essential tasks required for the efficient management of your Rosterfy platform



Full Admin Permissions

Full Admin access also known as System Admin access has all permissions enabled, which encompasses a wide array of critical functions within the Rosterfy platform. Specifically, administrators have the authority to configure system settings, which allows them to tailor the platform's functionality to better suit the needs of their organisation.

This level of access is substantial, and therefore, the role of a Full Admin should only be assigned to individuals who genuinely require full system access to perform their job functions.

This helps to maintain the integrity and security of the platform by limiting access to sensitive information and critical system controls to trusted personnel only. 

If you need to give further access to a User, but not Full Admin access, you can create additional Admin Permission Roles, check out the Admin Permission Role article for more information.



Create a New Administrator

To create a new administrator of your Rosterfy platform, follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to Users > Users
  2. Here you will see all the Admins and Users registered in your Rosterfy platform. 
    To create a new administrator, click Invite Admin, from the top right of the screen.
  3. A pop up window will appear for you to enter all their relevant information.
    The following fields are mandatory:
              • Email Address
              • First Name
              • Last Name
              • Date of Birth
  4. The Choose Role field allows you to select what Admin Permission Role you would like to allocate to this User.
  5. Once you have entered all their information, click Save
    A confirmation message will appear in the top right hand corner, confirming the new administrator has been created.
  6. You will be redirected to the profile page of the admin you have just created and can update any relevant fields. 
    The administrator will also receive an invitation to the email address you listed.

Create Admin


Note: Admin Permission Roles can be created / edited to include any combination of Admin access. For more information on Admin Permission Roles, take a look at Admin Permission Role article.



Add Admin Permissions for an Existing User

To update administrator access of an existing User or Admin of your Rosterfy platform, follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to Users > Users
  2. Here you will see all the Admins and Users registered in your Rosterfy platform. Use the Search Bar to locate the profile you would like to change.
  3. Either click the Quick Update User button, or select More Actions > View Profile to be directed to their profile page.
  4. Select the Access tab.
  5. Administrator Roles, will be at the bottom of the options, select Update.
  6. A pop up will appear, allowing you to edit the Admin Permission Role allocated to the User.
  7. Once selected, click Submit.
  8. A confirmation pop up will appear in the top right hand corner of the screen.
    Updated permissions will be applied immediately, however the user may need to refresh to have them take effect. 


Update User to Admin



Update Multiple Users with Admin Permissions

You can conveniently update Administrator access for multiple Users or Admins of your Rosterfy platform in a few easy steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Admin Permissions.
  2. Locate the Admin Permission you would like to add Users to and click More Actions > Update.
  3. On the Update Admin Permission Role page you can edit the access this role has and/or  and this Role to Users.
    Scroll to the Permission Role Users section, all current Admins with this permission will be here.
  4. To add more Users, click Add.
  5. The User Search side bar will be shown, search through your User base, select the Users you would like to add to this Permission Role, then drag them to the list.
  6. A confirmation pop up will appear in the top right hand corner of the screen.
    Updated permissions will be applied immediately, however the user may need to refresh to have them take effect. 


Add Multiple Admin


Note: Admins are unable to be impersonated, so be aware when updating Users to Admin Permissions as you will no longer be able to impersonate them.


For more information regarding admin permissions, check out the Admin Permissions - Overview article.