Managing Custom Fields

Available for Rapid, Core & Enterprise-1

Create/Edit Custom Fields

  1. Go to Settings in the main navigation bar
  2. Select Custom Fields
  3. Click Create/Edit
  4. Complete the custom field form by adding each parameter to the custom field
    • Name -This is the name visible on the form
    • Code - A unique identifier simplified for advanced system usage, you can leave the default value
    • Entity - The type of custom field this will be. This will determine where it appears in Rosterfy
    • Select Field type - you can find a summary of field types here
    • Select additional options that you need for the custom field
      a. Recommended allowing the field to be used in communications and is
  5. Click Save

Create Custom Field

Example User Custom Field creation screen 

Create a field visible to admins only

  1. Go to Settings in the main navigation bar
  2. Select Custom Fields
  3. Click Create/Edit
  4. Complete the Custom Field form by adding each parameter to the Custom Field
    • Name -This is the name visible on the form
    • Code - A unique identifier simplified for advanced system usage, you can leave the default value
    • Entity - The type of Custom Field this will be. This will determine where it appears in Rosterfy
    • Select Field type - you can find a summary of field types here
    • Select additional options
      a. Recommended to allow the field to be used in communications and is
  5. Toggle On Can only be view by admins
  6. Toggle On Can only be modified by admins
  7. Click Save

Advanced Custom Fields Options Admin

Example admin only user custom field

Once a custom field has been created you can organize it using the Advanced tab by adding a custom field category.

You can use the below documents to upload options automatically for multiple select type