Email status meaning

Available for Rapid, Core & Enterprise-1
The Rosterfy email history and sending activity report provides an insight into the sending metrics to identify your overall open and clickthrough rates.
You are able to get the following information:
Sends – The call to Amazon SES was successful and Amazon SES will attempt to deliver the email.
Rejects – The email was not sent due to an attachment or the content.
Bounces – The recipient's mail server permanently rejected the email. This event corresponds to hard bounces, soft bounces when the mail fails to deliver the email after retrying for a period of time.
Complaints – The email was successfully delivered to the recipient. The recipient marked the email as spam.
Deliveries – Successful delivery of the email to the recipient's mail server.
Opens – The recipient received the message and opened it in their email client.
Clicks – The recipient clicked one or more links in the email.