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Product Updates - (SP076) - 28 May 2024

This document will provide an overview of the features/updates the product development team has delivered in Sprint SPO76 (28 May 2024 Release)

What’s New 🚀

Rosterfy Resource Center

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A new tool called the Rosterfy Resource Center has been added to Rosterfy. It serves as a central hub for customers to stay updated on announcements, such as upcoming outages, product updates, and more. Customers can also use this platform to share their ideas for new features.


Sorting & Thumbnails added to Training Modules in Portal 

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The Training page in the portal has been enhanced with a more polished appearance and user-friendly interface. Candidates now have the ability to easily organize modules by training name or status, as well as filter them by training type, status, or name.

Further to this, training modules can now include thumbnails. 

When configuring a training module in the admin console, thumbnails and a short description can also be added, making the training modules more visually appealing. 


💡How this helps

These updates help to create more engaging and informative training content, and improve the overall navigation and usability of the page. 

Improved Merge Tag Listing 

The following improvements have been made to the merge tag listing.

  • Added a search bar
  • Available Merge Tags section with expand / collapse of categories
  • Selected merge tags section on right side
  • Ability to reorder the selected merge tags
  • Ability to add multiple merge tags into content, instead of one at a time.
  • Alphabetised sort order of merge tags

💡How this helps

The updates to the merge tags interface will provide an enhanced experience for administrators, allowing them to find and add merge tags to content much easier. 

Remove Admin Access during Bulk User Updates 

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When performing a bulk update from the user list, the Access tab will now appear in the popup. This will allow users to have administrator roles added or removed in bulk. 

💡How this helps

This change helps to save time. Instead of updating users one by one, administrator roles can now be assigned or removed quickly in bulk.

Recipient List for Emails 

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Within the Email History tab, there is now a section that lists all recipients for communications that are sent. Previously, if an email was triggered by an automation, each recipient would be treated as its own job. 

💡How this helps

The entire list of recipients can now be viewed and filtered. This helps identify emails that may have bounced, so that appropriate actions can be taken. 

Add Certificate Name and Certificate ID as a Rule in Automation setup 

Within ‘Certificate - Download’ automations, rules can now be created using Certificate Name and Certificate ID.

💡How this helps

This change allows administrators to create different automation actions based on different Certificates.


Browse Available Roles by Venue on a Map

Candidates can now browse available roles in a map view. This is available for logged in candidates and public role offer listings.

Users can click on the venue and view the available roles listed in a popup

💡How this helps

The map view helps users find available positions based on their location. 

Option to Unsubscribe from ‘Transactional’ Emails 

A new setting ‘Subscribed to Transactional Emails’ has been added to the user profile. The field is enabled by default and can be added to other forms if administrators wish to do so. 

An unsubscribe link will also be visible within transactional emails, so that users can unsubscribe if they choose to. 

When unsubscribed, the user will not receive ‘transactional’ type emails, this includes emails such as shift confirmation, shift reminders or role offer emails.

The exceptions to this will be:

  • Password Reset Emails
  • Email Verification

Both of these emails will continue to be sent regardless of whether a person is subscribed or unsubscribed.

If a custom domain is being used, Rosterfy can turn off this setting (not recommended)

Ability to send Invoice as a PDF 

For accounts with Payments enabled, invoices can now be downloaded as a PDF by administrators and users.

For administrators, a new permission ‘Download Invoices’ has been created under Payments.

When this permission is enabled, administrators will see a download invoice action on the Payment User page:

New Mail Merge Tag

An invoice_download_url merge tag will be available to add to emails that are sent to users. The merge tag will only be relevant in the context of this Invoice email - not Shift User emails or any other automation.

The invoice download contains;

  1. Invoice number reflecting the PaymentUser ID
  2. Invoice date reflecting the creation date of the PaymentUser ID
  3. Company logo - this is the ‘Color Logo’ under Org settings > Branding. 
  4. Organization section - this shows anything the organization needs to legally show on their invoice, such as business address, contact number, business entity number etc. This information is configured within Organisation Settings > Payment tab.
  5. Itemised list of the items in the invoice. 
  6. Totals area. 


Invoice Settings

Two new settings within Organisation Settings > Payment tab have been added:

  • Invoice Email Template
    • Allows administrators to set the default email template that is sent to users. This email should contain the new invoice_download_url merge tag


  • Invoice Organization Info
    • Allows administrators to enter a small amount of content to display in the invoice, i.e business address or tax identifier.

Reserved Spots on Role Offers 

It is now possible for administrators to reserve private spots on a role offer, which prevents other applicants or waitlist users from taking those spots. 

A new ‘Reserve Demand’ field can be enabled through Organisation Settings > Headcount tab

When enabled, a new ‘Reserve demand’ section will be available.


Rules for Reserved Demand

  • A role can have ‘x' spots added as ‘reserved’ for manual assignment. The 'x’ must be less than the maximum demand specified.
    • If the role is already full, increasing the reserved spots will allow additional spots on the reserved waitlist . ie, if the demand is 20 and there is already 20 people with 0 reserve demand, if you set the reserve demand to 5, the maximum demand will stay at 20, however you can add up to 5 people to the reserved demand list
    • If the demand is 20, and the reserve demand is 0, and there are 15 people in the role, and you increase reserve demand to 5, then the demand will stay at 20, anyone that then self applies goes to waitlist, as 5 spots are reserved for manual adding to priority waitlist
    • If the demand is 20, and the reserve demand is 5, and there are 15 people in auto spots and 5 people in reserved spots, you cannot lower the reserve demand. You must remove people from reserve demand, and then you can lower the reserve.
  • When adding a user to a role, you can specify adding them as reserved as long as there is space in the reserved spots
  • You can also remove someone from reserved spots if there is space in the non-reserved spots. (via dragging or the tickbox)


Administrators can manually assign individuals that have special considerations to a role


💡How this helps

Managers may need to have reserved or ‘private’ spots in the demand that are not available for general signup or filling from the waitlist automatically. This may accomodate volunteers moving from another unit, or preparing for a volunteer about to age up from a younger role. There may be other business circumstances that would mean a spot needs to be reserved for someone that is not next on the waitlist

Minor Enhancements / Fixes ☑️

Certificate Portal Label available as a column in Certificate User List 

Tooltip for Groups Auto-Update