Creating automations


Automations lets you automate standard processes that repeat to save you time. An Automations task is the main container for a set of Automations instructions. These instructions can always be summed up in an if/then statement.

For example: If it’s raining outside, then bring an umbrella. 

Automations  can be broken into three main components.

  1. Task: the “if” part of the “if/then” statement. In other words, what action is/has happened
  2. Actions: the “then” part of the “if/then” statement. In other words, what to do when the record meets the criteria.

In the raining example, this “i’m outside” (Task), “it’s raining” (Rule) and the action is “bring an umbrella”. If the criteria isn’t met (it isn’t raining), then the action isn’t executed (you don’t bring an umbrella).

When a record meets all the criteria for an Automations rule, that rule’s actions are executed. 

Create a Automations

Automate your organization’s standard process by creating an Automations rule.

  1. From your main dashboard, click Settings
  2. Click Advanced
  3. Click Automations
  4. Click Create
  5. Add Name
  6. Set a Task
  7. Set the delay for when that task has been done (Optional)
  8. Click Save 

Add/Edit an Automation Rule

Once your automation has been saved you can then add a Rule that uses your Attribute or field to restrict when the Task should trigger the action. The below example with the Task “Event Shift Apply” is showing “If User registers for a shift” (Task) AND “Event ID  Is Equal To 12345” ( Rules).

  1. From your main dashboard, click Settings
  2. Click Advanced
  3. Click Automations
  4. Click Automation Settings
  5. Click Update
  6. Click Add rule
  7. Select a system field or Attribute
  8. Select What is the criteria
  9. Add the field value
    1. If this is a User status or User checkpoint, you will need to add the numerical value NOT the name

Adding/editing Automation Action

An automated action is a reusable component that performs an action like updating a field or sending an email. 

  1. From your main dashboard, click Settings
  2. Click Advanced
  3. Click Automations
  4. Click Automation Settings
  5. Click Update
  6. Click Add Action
  7. Select an Action
  8. Set the Delay (Optional)
  9. Add Rule
    • This will define the criteria for when the Action is performed
  10. Use Options to select the field
    • Additionally you can filter for an event shift or event.