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  2. Events, Shifts & Scheduling

Creating An Event/Schedule

About Events

An event in Rosterfy is a collection of shifts which users can be scheduled onto. The event allows a centralized mechanism for you to put similar information, settings and requirements that can then be used when setting up your shifts. All event attributes can be communicated as mail merge tags as well as downloaded in reports. An example portal event page can be seen below, and in this article we will look at how to modify each of these components

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The event settings are all inherited from your default account event settings. This means you can set a number of settings once, and every event you create after that will use these settings by default. On each event you can overwrite these where needed. This ensures that every event has the exact workflow you need. Every shift on an event draws in its settings from the event settings as well by default. 

Navigating to create event

To create a new event, navigate to the event list page by clicking 'Events' in the left navigation bar

From the event list page, click the Create button to begin creating a new event.

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The 'Create Event' page presents a number of options for configuring the event to suit your needs.

Note: Depending on your account package, you may not see all the options presented below.

Note: The types of statuses will determine if a user signing up to a shift counts towards the total demand. If there are 6 positions available for example, statuses of applied and emergency do not count towards demand, meaning unlimited numbers of people can sign up. A status of pending or confirmed will count towards demand, meaning only 6 people can signup. 

You can view the article Selecting the correct Event status for more information

Event Settings

Control Name Tab Functionality Overwrite In Shift Settings
Type General All events of the same type are grouped together in the side menu of the portal. Clicking on the side menu item will give the user access to all events of that type N/A
Name General Available in reports, lists, filters, mail merge tags and the portal, the name is the attribute used to differentiate one event from another.   N/A
Timezone General The timezone the event will operate. This controls how the times appear in the portal for users in other timezones. This is also important for automated system functionality to be accurate N/A 
Start Date/Time General Events with start dates in the future only will appear in the portal, or where the start date is less than the current date and the end date is still in the future. This date is shown on the portal event page and is available as a mail merge tag N/A 
End Date/Time General This date is shown on the portal event page and is available as a mail merge tag. If the end date has not passed yet, the event will still appear in the portal N/A 
Applications Open Date/Time General The date that users may begin applying for an event. Before this date/time, users can see the event in the portal, but cannot apply to shifts N/A
Applications Close Date/Time General The date the users must apply before. After this date/time, users will no longer be able to apply for shifts. N/A
Description General Rich text allowing images, links and any other generic information about the event. This content is the first piece of information on the portal event page N/A
Street Address General Shown underneath the event name in the portal, this attribute can also be used in communications Yes 
Choose a Training General  Training modules to be assigned to all users when they signup for any shift on this event Yes - you can add additional training per shift 
Publish General  This is the control that above all else determines if an event is available in the portal. If it is turned off, the event will not be visible anywhere and available for users to apply regardless of date and time settings.  Yes 
Default Shift User Status Settings  The status that all users will be given when they sign up to any shift. See note above about counting towards demand  Yes
Maximum Shift Applications per User Settings  Total number of shifts a user can apply to with a status that counts towards demand, ie, withdrawn statuses do not count towards maximum  No 
Default Shift Confirmed User Status  Settings  Status given when a user confirms their capacity to attend a shift from an email confirmation link  Yes 
Default Shift Rejected User Status Settings  Status given when a user clicks the withdraw link in an email  Yes 
Default Shift Checked In User Status  Settings  Status given to a user when they are checked in for a shift  Yes 
Default Shift Application Form  Settings  Form a user must complete when they apply for any shift  Yes 
Default Shift Check-In Form  Settings  The form that must be completed at the point of check in. You cannot complete the check-in process without completing the form  Yes 
Default Shift Attended Form  Settings  The form that can be completed at anytime while a user is on a shift. This can be used as an interview tool, or for questions that need to be completed but will not interfere with the check-in/out procedure.  Yes 
Default Shift Check-Out Form  Settings  The form that must be completed at the point of check out. You cannot complete the check-out process without completing the form  Yes 
Show Only for User Groups Settings  This controls showing the event only to users in the groups chosen. More than one group can be chosen. Yes 
Hide From User Groups Settings  This controls if an event should be hidden from any users. If a user is in a group both for hide and show, the event will be hidden  Yes 
Certificate Settings  This determines which certificate should be provided to the user at the completion of the event. This setting is still in development and is for future expansion No
Users Can Withdraw From Shifts Settings  Controls whether a user can withdraw from their shifts after they have been allocated No 
Allow Self Check In Settings  When turned on, you can choose a timeframe within which a user can self-check-in to a shift. This means team leaders do not need to complete the check in process.   Yes 
Check-In Visible Attributes Settings This controls which attributes are shown to a team leader on the check in screen.   Yes 
Custom Attributes Custom Attributes This tab is available for you to set values for all the custom attributes that are setup as Event-Attributes.  N/A 

Note: Adding team leaders to an event is not possible until after the event is created.

Once the event is setup to suit your needs, you can click Save and you have finished creating a new event. To find out about creating shifts, click here