
Within Rosterfy you can set Organisation wide branding (such as logo, portal colours and email banners). This branding will serve as the default brand across your portal, login screen, communications and forms. 

Rosterfy also offers a 'Branding' feature that allows you to set up additional branding that can be attached to email templates or invitation links. This is useful if you have different branding for certain events or communications. 


Organization (default) Branding:
Settings > Organization Settings > Select the 'Branding' Tab

This is where you have a main overview of all your choices, from the top down, this included the overall Name and Address information and below this, will get into specifics for your 'Look & Feel'.

Logo (colour) - A transparent colour logo that looks good with white. This will be in your email banner and on the login page.

*For best results upload your logo as a PNG file with transparent background, 812px wide and 250px high

Logo (monochrome) - A transparent black or white logo that looks good with your Primary Color. This will be in the top corner of the portal and console
*For best results upload a black or white logo as a PNG file with transparent background, 376px wide and 64px high

Background Image - The background image is shown behind the forms on the login and registration page
*For best results upload a JPG file, 1920px wide and 927px high


Portal Background Image - The background image is shown behind the portal page

1920px wide and 927px high


Portal Banner Image - The banner image at the top of the portal dashboard

*For best results upload your file size as1200px wide by 300px high


Subaccount Banner Image - The banner image is shown on the Subaccount landing page
*For best results upload your file size as 1200px wide by 300px high

Primary Colour: This selection will be your primary colour for the background of your Volunteer Portal.

Secondary Colour: This selection will be your secondary colour and will be used to highlight which sections you are currently viewing.

Email Branding / Banner:
Settings > Organization Settings > Select the 'Communication' Tab

At the bottom of this setting, you have the opportunity to upload an 'Email Banner' - This will be featured at the top of any of your Email Template communications.

*For best results upload a JPG file, 640px wide and 250px high

Communications Branding

In addition to the visual branding updates on the Communication Tab, you can also customize both the 'From Name' for emails as well as the 'Reply to' email address.


*To configure your own email domain for emails coming from Rosterfy, please speak with your local Rosterfy contact. 



Additional Branding

Go to Communications > Branding

Click mceclip1.png


mceclip0 (2)-2


Attach the branding to Email Templates or Invite Links to customise the look and feel.