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Technical Updates (SP039)

Platform Monitoring

Rosterfy has added additional monitoring features to notify our support team when the system isn’t operating as planned. This means if

  • Reports fail to finish
  • Imports fail to finish
  • Emails do not send
  • Listings do not load
  • Logins are blocked

Rosterfy’s support team will be notified of the activity. We also receive additional notifications for any scaling events and releases to environments.


Arabic SMS Driver - Oorderoo

If sending SMS in Arabic, the system will now include additional headers to tell the SMS provider. This will allow the Arabic text to be displayed appropriately to the customer


Load Testing

Rosterfy has been performing load testing of its application to ensure availability of the platform during high load of users. Rosterfy has been able to deliver 3000 concurrent users signing up to the platform and completing application forms at the same time. Multiple bottlenecks were removed and performance was increased with these updates


Save User Profile

When saving a form in the user profile, the system will now automatically save all 3 forms (Profile, Permissions, Preferences) at once. 


Record History [BUG]

It was reported to Rosterfy that the history of some roles was not being shown in the platform. Upon investigation, AWS notified us there is an issue with their filtering of logs that meant some logs were not returned unless a date range was provided. Therefore now when looking to get logs from the platform, a default filter is applied of 2 weeks to ensure results are returned for the last two weeks, and then customers can adjust as required.


New Navigation Title

Custom Attributes (or attributes) have been renamed ‘custom fields’. Rosterfy found that customers were not comfortable with the term attribute and preferred the word ‘field’. This should increase usability of the platform and reduce onboarding time for new users to make the system more familiar.