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Product Updates - (SP070) - 19 December 2023

This document will provide an overview of the features/updates the product development team has delivered in Sprint SPO70 (19 December 2023 Release)

Product Updates

On public listing, move available shifts next to Event Details, beneath the login button

To make available shifts more visible on the public event and roles pages, they have been moved next to the description, beneath the login button.

Update user timezones in bulk

It’s now possible for administrators to make changes to user timezones in bulk. 

From the user listing, the bulk update screen will now display a settings tab, where a timezone can be selected and applied to a selection of users.

This might be useful if interstate or international candidates who operate in a different timezone join your Rosterfy database. 

New Permission -  Create/Read/Update/Delete Admin Users

We have separated out the create/read/update/delete permissions for Users (candidates) and Administrators, meaning there is more flexibility to allow or prevent certain permission roles from creating/reading/updating or deleting admin users

The new permission can be found under Account > User Roles > Users

Option to update login button copy when using SAML 2.0 for SSO

To align our SSO customisation options,  we have added a ‘Provider Name’ field when enabling the SAML2.0 integration for SSO (Openid currently offers this), which allows customers to provide their own copy for the login button.

Update to Shift Import fields 

The following fields are now available to include in a shift import template:

  • Minimum Shift Applications Per User (min_shift_apps_per_user)
  • Maximum Shift Applications Per User (max_shift_apps_per_user)
  • Minimum Shift Applications Per Shift Type (min_shift_apps_per_shift_type)
  • Maximum Shift Applications Per Shift Type (max_shift_apps_per_shift_type)