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Product Updates - (SP061) - 20 June 2023

This document will provide an overview of the features/updates the product development team has delivered in Sprint SPO61 (20 June 2023 Release)

Availability Filters in Admin Console

Administrators can now perform advanced searches relating to availability across user listings, shift user listings and reports. 

Filters allow for specific date range searches, days of week and times of day. Users scheduled on shifts can be excluded from the search results. 

The default filter will be tomorrow 9:00am - 5:00pm (or the default availability set in account settings). 


Removed ‘all day’ availability option.
  • Previously, the system assumed a person was available for a 24hr period when selecting 'All Day', now candidates can select the bands of time they are available for a day. The default will be 9:00am - 5:00pm unless changed by the user or in the account setting.
  • Existing entries will be migrated to 12:00AM to 11:59pm


New Account Setting - Default Availability Times
Organisations can now set the default start and end time parameters for availability to suit their business needs. For example, if all shifts begin at 2pm, then you might set your default times from 1:30pm to 10:30pm instead of 9:00am - 5:00pm. 

Ability for Candidates to Reset Availability
Candidates can now reset (clear) their availability with a click of a button. 

View User Availability Calendar in Admin Console

Administrators can now view a candidate's availability on a calendar via the User Update availability page. 

Availability Report
Administrators can export candidate availability using new report type ‘Availability Export’. 

Availability Exceptions

Exceptions can be added for unavailability AND availability from the candidate portal. For example, if a person is generally unavailable on Sundays by default, they can now add an exception for a specific date to indicate they are available. 


Candidates can override availability in shift selection
Candidates will now see a warning when applying to shifts if they have set themselves as ‘unavailable’. Previously candidates were prevented from applying altogether if they were unavailable.

Ability for admins to provide feedback when ‘Not Approving’ role applicant
Administrators can now provide feedback when Not Approving role applications.

This feedback is then shown against the Role Application section of the portal.


Review Applications within User Update page and Role Offer User List
Role applications can now be reviewed in the User Update Role Offer page and the Role Offer User listing. 


Ability to Modify ‘Journey Complete’ content
Administrators can now modify the content that appears when a journey is completed. This content is displayed in the candidate portal. 


Journey Column and Filter Added to RoleOffer User Listings

Additional columns and filtering options are now available to easily see what Journey is attached to a Role.

Public Portal Improvements
The following improvements have been made to public pages (event and role offer listings). 

  • Enabled background image
  • Added footer
  • Added title, breadcrumbs and language selector
  • Enabled custom content for Events & Role Offer listing


Administrators can now submit their product feature ideas
A new system to collect customer ideas and feature requests has been introduced. 


Add a Notifier to receive System Notifications

Ability to add ‘notifiers’ to certain areas of the system so that the right people can be informed about Approvals.

Areas of the system where a notifier can be added:

  • Functional Area
  • Job title
  • Location
  • Venue
  • Event Type

When a notifier is added, they will receive a system notification informing them that a relevant approval is required for an event or role. This reduces the need to create automations for this task. 


Access to notifiers can be controlled through the permissions tree