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Product Updates - (SP052) - 29 November 2022

This document will provide an overview of the features/updates the product development team has delivered in Sprint SPO52 (29 November 2022 Release)

New Features & Enhancements

Ability to search for users based on their geographical location
Administrators will now be able to use Advanced Filters to search/filter users within a certain radius of a location (postal code). This will help administrators find users or create groups of users in a certain location.

Note - this is only available for Australian locations currently

  • Default country for account must be set to Australia to enable location search 

Check out the video below to see geographical search in action: 


Ability for Team Leaders to update timesheets in the user portal
A new account setting ‘allow team leader to update timesheet’ has been added

  • When enabled, TL’s will be able to amend the check-in/out times of users they are responsible for, for the designated time after the shift finishes.



Ability for TL's to mark a user as 'No Show' on timesheet
A new option to mark a user as ‘Did not attend’ via leader mode in the portal. 

  • The button will appear 6hrs before the shift start time

  • New event shift user status ‘No Show’ will be assigned to users who are marked as ‘Did not attend’ by a TL


Ability to confirm/withdraw from shifts using sms keywords

Users will now be able to respond ‘Yes’ to confirm or ‘No’ to withdraw from a shift via SMS. 

  • The sms must be sent via the shift user listing

  • If the user receives multiple text messages (i.e one from Shift A user listing, and then one from Shift B user listing) the response will only be recorded for the most recent sms received, i.e Shift B. 

Ability to cancel shifts (individual and in bulk) from shift schedule view

Slack Integration

Customers can integrate their Slack accounts with Rosterfy to receive the following notifications;

  • Inbound SMS 

  • Withdrawal notifications:


Ability to bulk archive custom fields
From the Actions list on the Custom Fields listing, bulk archiving custom fields is now possible.

New Portal Dashboard Widget - ‘Total Scheduled Hours’

A new widget that displays ‘Total Scheduled Hours’ is available for display in the user portal.

  • Only calculates for confirmed and attended shifts for -3 months to +9 months

  • Does not include rejected, applied, pending, withdrawn, or other statuses.


Check a ShiftUser's expected Award prior to Payrun
If payroll awards/rules are created, administrators can now Preview the Award in the shift user list.